Thursday 23 September 2010

Mail order

Sales are now getting stronger with our last market day a real hit. I also had an email order from a lady who wanted a goat and 2 sheep for her bridesmaids on her wedding day. I parcelled them all up including a wedding gift of a lamb and two arrived in pieces. I was really concerned that they were too fragile to move into on line shopping. So I looked up google to see how to send ceramic pieces.......why did I not do this in the first place?....... And they arrived safely. SO the secret is those s shaped polystyrene pieces in a big box with my sheep in bubble wrap floating in the middle!.....Anyone know any good supplier of s shaped polystyrene pieces?
Still have not got my web page up and running but on the case and will do so in a few days.
Busy making sheep and goats, lambs and kids for the present buying season which will be starting soon.